01.青苔里的月亮 The moon in lichen
02.半个月亮爬上来 Half moon climbed up
03.花儿为什麽这样红 Why the flowers become red?
04.花儿与少年 Flower &teenager
05.远方的客人请我留下来 Please stay,my friends from far away
06.信歌 Song of letter
07.天路 Way to paradise
08.月光下的凤尾竹 Phoenix tail underneath the moon
09.青春舞曲 Dance of youth
10.嘎达梅林 Ka da mei lin
11.小河淌水 River flowing
12.康定情歌 The love song of Kangding
13.咱们的领袖 Our leader,MaoZeDong